Turns out, I don't even need a specific web service to provide the current date and time from a web server. Most web servers already include this information when it returns a page requested by a client. All we need to do is examine the response header.
One thing to note is the date and time provided by the web server is set to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If you need to know the "local" time, you will have to perform additional manipulation of the result using time zone information.
The following code simply retrieves the GMT from this blog site. If you were able to add any enhancements to this code, I would really love to hear about it. Hope you find it useful.
Public Function GetGMT() As Variant '4/20/2016 'http://accessmvp.com/thedbguy 'Retrieves the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) from theDBguy's blog server On Error GoTo errHandler Dim objHTTP As Object Dim strURL As String Dim strGMT As String strURL = "http://thedbguy.blogspot.com" Set objHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With objHTTP .Open "GET", strURL, False .Send strGMT = .getResponseHeader("Date") End With If strGMT <> "" Then strGMT = Mid(strGMT, 6, 20) If IsDate(strGMT) Then GetGMT = CDate(strGMT) Else GetGMT = Null End If End If errExit: Set objHTTP = Nothing Exit Function errHandler: MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description Resume errExit Resume End Function